·我國石油稅制與公司稅收籌劃對地方稅收的影響分析——以石油城克拉瑪依為例 |
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上 傳 者:joehaiyan |
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上傳時間:2012-08-03 16:08:36 |
The Effects of China’s Petroleum Tax Systems and the Petroleum Corporation Tax Planning on Local Tax Revenue——An Example Based on the Petroleum City Karamay
【作者】 趙武生; 劉林;
【Author】 Zhao Wusheng, Liu Lin (China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249)
【機構】 中國石油大學;
【摘要】 我國石油稅制改革始終都是在確保國家石油安全的基礎上展開的,但在改革的過程中卻造成了國家與石油企業、中央稅收與地方稅收之間的利益沖突。利益沖突的產生既有石油稅制方面的原因,也有石油企業總部經濟的原因,還有國家始終掌控油品定價權方面的原因。文章旨在建立框架模型并通過實際事例和數據,解釋石油企業、中央稅收與地方稅收之間的利益沖突,并說明我國現行石油稅制以及石油公司稅收籌劃是如何對地方稅收產生影響的。
【Abstract】 The reform of petroleum tax system in China has been always carried out on the basic of ensuring national petroleum safe. However, it has led to conflicts of interest between the nation and petroleum enterprises, also between central tax revenue and local tax revenue. The conflicts result from not only petroleum tax systems, but also headquarters economy and the nation’s oil pricing power. This paper aims to build framework models for illustrating the conflicts by using facts and figures, and to... 更多
【關鍵詞】 石油稅制; 稅收籌劃; 地區間稅收公平; 地方稅收;
【Key words】 petroleum tax systems; tax planning; trans-area tax equity; local tax revenue;
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