·全球天然氣市場變化與中國天然氣發展策略思考 |
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上 傳 者:joehaiyan |
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上傳時間:2012-08-03 16:10:47 |
A discussion on global natural gas market change and Chinese natural gas development strategies
【作者】 康建國;
【Author】 Kang Jianguo(Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company,PetroChina,Chengdu,Sichuan 610051,China)
【機構】 中國石油西南油氣田公司;
【摘要】 為了給中國天然氣發展策略的制定提供參考和依據,系統研究了2008年全球金融危機暴發以來,世界天然氣市場經歷的前所未有的大衰退和其后強勁的復蘇過程,全面、深入分析了全球天然氣市場變化的趨勢、原因及其造成的影響,基于全球天然氣長期向好的發展總趨勢未改但增長速度也受到了地緣政治和經濟形勢變化影響的判斷,對中國天然氣市場發展前景進行了預測。結論認為:得益于以下因素的推動,中國正迎來一波"天然氣浪潮":①國家政策要求,市場需求旺盛;②天然氣資源探明程度較低,儲量和產量增長潛力大;③天然氣進口能力快速增長;④天然氣基礎設施不斷完善,供應保障程度提高。最后,對如何推動中國天然氣市場發展提出了4條建議:①堅持以國內資源為主、國外資源為輔的天然氣供應策略;②建立天然氣儲備體系,穩定天然氣供應;③繼續深化天然氣價格及其形成機制改革;④開展天然氣現貨交易試點,規劃建立天然氣市場中心(交易點)。
【Abstract】 This paper aims to provide reference and basis for the decision making of natural gas development in China.First,it reviews the history of the global natural gas market from the unprecedented recession to strong recovery since the financial crisis in 2008.Then,a deep investigation is made into the developing trend of global gas market as well as its causes and consequences.Finally,based on the fact that the developing trend of global gas market is always positive but its increasing rate is affected by geopolitics and geo-economy,the forecast is made of the prospect of natural gas market in China.It is pointed out that the "Natural Gas Wave" will be coming soon for many reasons such as the requirement of national policies,the rising demand in the market,a rather low degree of the improved gas reserves,a high potential of high reserves and production,rapidly increasing import of natural gas,the improvement of infrastructures,and a robust support for gas supply.Moreover,this paper also presents four proposals for the development of natural gas market in China.(1) National gas supply should be dominated by domestic gas resources and supported by foreign ones;(2) Natural gas supply should be kept under control with a gas reserve system;(3) The reform on natural gas pricing system should be further deepened;(4) More spot transaction trials should be made in the gas market and natural gas trading centers/hubs should be planned and constructed.
【關鍵詞】 全球天然氣市場變化; 中國天然氣發展策略; 市場需求; 天然氣進口; 儲量; 產量; 儲備; 價格;
【Key words】 global gas market; gas development strategy; market requirement; import of gas; reserves; production; pricing;
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