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[時間:2009-05-31 OTC 關注度:0]
摘要:簡介:船舶和設備的電池,有80%的失效是由于電池硫化或者類似原因而導致的。最新脈沖技術該項技術,是目前市場上最新的SP-25太陽能產品,為鉛板蓄電池充電調節和維護申請專利產品。通過兩個獨立電流循環SP-25是一種高智能交互電池 ,具有高頻脈...
簡介:船舶和設備的電池,有80%的失效是由于電池硫化或者類似原因而導致的。最新脈沖技術該項技術,是目前市場上最新的SP-25太陽能產品,為鉛板蓄電池充電調節和維護申請專利產品。通過兩個獨立電流循環SP-25是一種高智能交互電池 ,具有高頻脈沖。

Considering that 80% of fleet and equipment battery failure is caused by battery plate sulfation and related failure modes, the newest development in Pulse Technology is the solution to battery related fleet sustainability.
This technology, when implemented through the new SP-25 solar product is the newest patent pending lead acid battery charging, conditioning and maintenance product available on the market today. Through two independent power circuits the SP-25 combines a highly intelligent interactive battery charging regimine with the application of a high frequency pulse into the battery.
The high frequency pulsing action provides an "electro-mechanical scrubbing" activity on the surface of the battery plates. This action removes and inhibits growth of sulfation crystals on the surface of the battery plate and puts it back into electrolyte solution.
This technology has been proven to extend battery life by up to 5 times. Fleet and equipment sustainability is maximized and down time due to battery related failure can be virtually eliminated through use of this product.