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[時間:2009-08-17 E&P 關注度:0]
摘要:簡介:2009年8月10日,世界上第一艘FDPSO正式開始在剛果外洋面的Azurite 油田投產作業,實施方為Murphy 石油公司。該船的首要特點是將可移動鉆機裝入船上,并由新加坡海洋評級中心評定級別。其儲油能力達到1.3 MMbd,處理...
簡介:2009年8月10日,世界上第一艘FDPSO正式開始在剛果外洋面的Azurite 油田投產作業,實施方為Murphy 石油公司。該船的首要特點是將可移動鉆機裝入船上,并由新加坡海洋評級中心評定級別。其儲油能力達到1.3 MMb/d,處理能力達到40,000 b/d.。
Murphy Oil Corp. began initial oil production on Aug. 10, 2009, at its Azurite field in the Mer Profonde Sud block approximately 80 nautical miles offshore the Republic of Congo (Brazzaville). This is the first instance of a floating, drilling, production, storage and offloading (FDPSO) being used to develop a field.
“The Azurite project marks an innovative approach to minimizing the cost and maximizing the value of a deepwater development,” said David M. Wood, President and CEO of Murphy Oil Corporation.
Azurite is unique in that a mobile drilling rig has been incorporated into the structure of the FPSO. Murphy’s decision to go with a new type of floating production system was based in part on the fact that Azurite would be a fast-track project. With high rigs and limited availability of suitable mobile offshore drilling units at the time, the company was in a position to consider less traditional options that would allow it to achieve first oil in 2009.
Once the Azurite reached completion, DNV’s Singapore Offshore Class Centre handled classing the vessel. Using assessments of global and local strength, fatigue life analysis for critical connections, and replacement of structural steel as well as preparations for periodical in-water surveys, the life extension program was determined. Together with Prosafe, DNV aided in creating a viable safety philosophy in compliance with the different regulations for the two separate, yet ongoing, activities.
The now producing FDPSO has a storage capacity of 1.3 MMb/d of oil and the capability to process 40,000 b/d. The vessel is being used for both drilling and completing the production and injection wells. “Production from the field will continue to ramp up for the remainder of the year as additional wells are brought on stream,” Wood said.
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