A-60 fire door A-60級防火門
a-hundred-year return period 百年一遇
abrasive (噴砂用的)磨料
abrasive paper 砂紙
AC generator 交流發電機
AC motor 交流電動機
AC welding machine 交流焊機
accelerated corrosion testing 加速腐蝕試驗
acceptance criteria 合格準則
access hole (for welding) = cope hole (焊接)工藝孔
accommodation and power platform (APP) 生活動力平臺
according to = in accordance with =
in line with = as per = in the light of 按照
acetylene gas 乙炔
acid electrode 酸性焊條
acid proof cement 防酸水泥
additive 添加劑
adhesive agent 粘接劑
adhere to 遵守(動詞)
adherence to 遵守(名詞)
adjacent columns 相鄰立柱