鉆井方法drilling method
頓鉆鉆井cable drilling
桿式頓鉆rod tool drilling
繩式頓鉆cable tool drilling
輕便鉆井portable drilling
直井straight hole
深井deep well
超深井super deep well
地熱井geothermal well
熱采井thermal production well
工程井engineering rejection well
工程報廢井abandoned well
棄井abandoned well
鉆井設計well design
鉆井質量drilling quality
巖石的物理機械性質physical-mechanical properties of rock
礦物的微硬度 micro-hardness of rook
肖氏巖石硬度 Shores hardness
史氏巖石硬度 Shi's hardness
礦物的彈性模量elastic modulus of mineral